Istumbler down
Istumbler down

#Istumbler down how to#

To finish, I’d like to give you a couple of suggestions on how to improve your wireless connection, if the RSSI reading is poor. You can also select ‘Create Diagnostics Report on the Desktop’ from the Bluetooth menu bar after holding down the Option/Alt key to generate a list of log files on your Bluetooth performance:

  • -110 and lower = Very poor connection and likely to be unusable.
  • Notice that the numbers are negative, therefore the nearer the number is to 0, the better the connection.īelow is a basic outline of the ranges that represent a good to bad connection: Without going into too much techie talk on how RSSI works, basically the higher the number, the better the connection. There are third-party utilities you can use to monitor all wireless communication including Bluetooth. There is no Monitor Connection window showing a graph of the bluetooth signal that was available in Mountain Lion, but at least you can still monitor the RSSI. Step 2) You should then have an entry for the, RSSI signal strength (Received signal strength indicator) of that device, along with the Bluetooth MAC address of that device’s Bluetooth card: Step 1) If you hold down the Option/Alt key and then click on the Bluetooth Icon in the Apple Menu Bar, you can select the device you wish to monitor: Then follow the below steps to monitor the signal strength of that connection:

    istumbler down

    To monitor a Bluetooth connection, a Bluetooth device must be enabled and currently connected to your Mac. The good news is that as long as you know where to look, you can still access most of these options. Mavericks has simplified Bluetooth Preferences along with other GUI settings that Apple prefer end users not to play with. Thanks TJ! So, to monitor and troubleshoot Bluetooth connections in Mavericks, here’s how!

    istumbler down

    This is an updated version of that blog for Mavericks as TJ Luoma kindly commented on my blog to inform me that these features have changed in Mavericks (OS X 10.9), prompting me to update my blog. Back in February last year, I blogged about ‘ Troubleshooting Bluetooth devices and their connection strength in Mountain Lion‘.

    Istumbler down